
Audrey Drew


In the real world, Audrey is a young woman with curly brown hair, styled typically of the 1970s era. She wears what appears to be a light blue knitted top, along with dark pants and flat shoes.

When she is pulled into the Cycle, Audrey becomes tainted by the ink. The colors of her clothing change to the sepia tones of the world, her hair turns black, her eyes begin to glow, and she is covered in ink stains. Her left arm is transformed to appear more skeletal and glowing symbols representing her abilities occasionally spread out from the back of her hand into tendrils up her fingers.


Audrey is a very driven person, seeming to enjoy her work as an animator on the newly revived Bendy cartoons and striving hard to reach her goals. While she is initially scared and confused of her surroundings when she enters the Cycle, she shows a determination to navigate whatever horrors await in the studio to find a way home.

Audrey also shows a degree of sympathy for some of the lost souls inside, shown when interacting with others like Allison or Bendy himself. By the game’s end, she uses that sympathy in a vow to make things better for her friends still inside the Cycle.

Wilson Arch


Wilson appears to be an old balding man who seems to be blind in his right eye, most likely caused by the scar that extends from his blind eye to his mouth. He is depicted wearing a mechanic’s jumpsuit with the Archgate Pictures logo on the back, and an identification tag on the chest area, with what appears to be an undershirt underneath. He also wears a utility belt with a set of keys on one side and a pouch on the other side. He has a raspy voice. Upon entering The Cycle, Wilson’s clothing, similar to Audrey’s, get stained in Ink. His right eye gains a yellow pupil as well.


Wilson is a deceitful person, shown by his ability to manipulate Audrey into doing multiple things. He portrays himself as a weak, fragile old man, but he is very careful with the words he chooses, making him exceptional at manipulation. Behind this disguise of his, he is a very narcissistic and self-centered person, referring to himself as “The Cycle’s Savior.”



Like other cartoon representations of Joey Drew Studios characters, Bendy appears as a three-dimensional living version of his cartoon design. Unlike the original design, he wears a proper outfit, with a brown waistcoat and striped pants while retaining his signature bowtie and gloves. When he is out of the Cycle, his face and gloves are now white while the tie is shaded red and the rest of his clothes are a dark blue.


Though his character biography says he is just as mischievous as his cartoon persona, Bendy is actually rather timid and has a childlike demeanor. He is able to display a range of emotions despite being mute, crying when Audrey accidentally hurts him and fleeing when he sees her later on, as well as being visibly afraid when Audrey mentions the Gent Workshop due to the Keepers’ torture and experimentation.

However, in stark contrast to his original incarnation, Bendy does not wish to hurt others. He is willing to help those he befriends, seemingly rather cheerful around them. Also acts like a child and likes being around people.

Ink Demon


In Bendy and the Dark Revival, the Ink Demon’s appearance has been updated and changed to be far less cartoony, and much more demonic-looking. Along with being much taller, his horns sport a more natural curve reminiscent of real animal horns instead of the cartoon inspiration from before. With eyes still obscured by thick ink covering his head, his mouth can now open fully with teeth comparable to a human’s, complete with gums. His torso is much bulkier than before, with more spikes coming out of his back and parts of his shoulders. His stature is bigger, yet almost skeletal in certain parts.


In Bendy and the Dark Revival, the Ink Demon now gains a proper personality and voice, showcasing him as a sadistic demon who shows no remorse for his atrocities. He actively desires to kill Audrey and ensure the Cycle’s continued existence, which includes himself as its ruler. However, he despises Wilson for his godly aspirations, even warning Audrey not to trust him as a disembodied voice.

Alice Angel


Alice Angel appears to be a young woman and a humanoid replica of Alice Angel with straight, medium-length black hair, thin eyebrows, and black lipstick. She wears a semi-broken angel halo that melted into the left side of her head, as well as a pair of short, realistic-looking horns. She wears a black flapper dress in 1920s style with a white bow tie resembling Bendy‘s. Her entire arms are coated with an ink-black color to resemble sleeve-like gloves, but she does not wear white gloves like her original counterpart, Alice Angel. Unlike the original Alice, she wears a pair of black tights on her legs and black Mary Jane shoes. She also has a sepia bow on the back of her dress that has straps, which the original Alice Angel does not appear to have.


Alice Angel is first shown to be somewhat friendly and manipulative. This is revealed when she makes Henry Stein do all of her bidding in exchange for letting him use the lift to escape the studio. She was sadistic, demanding Henry kill the ink-dwelling creatures and also threatening to kill him should he anger her. When it seemed, she was going to let Henry go free, she dropped her façade and revealed herself as a very demanding, childish, and persistent monster, although she expresses this side when ordering Henry to slaughter the Butcher Gang’s enemies. She also had a semi-bookish, poetic speech pattern.

Buddy Boris


A tall, dog-like being with pie-cut eyes, Buddy Boris appears almost perfectly identical to the original cartoon character, other than having a taller and almost human-like appearance. Unlike Tom and most cartoon characters, the opening of Buddy Boris’ pie eyes are always facing right, like Boris’ eyes in the “Sheep Songs!” poster.


With his human mind completely swept away, Buddy Boris is completely mute, since he never spoke or made any kind of noise. As he and Henry explore the studio together, he is shown to be timid in nature whenever an enemy lurks nearby, most often seen when the Ink Demon prowls the halls. He is also shown to have a fear of darkness (likewise known as “nyctophobia”), which is seen if Henry walks too far away from him in the dark hallways. However, Buddy Boris is far from mean-spirited, giving Henry a safe place to recover in his safehouse and helping him navigate the lower floors.

Henry Stein


In Bendy and the Ink Machine, his appearance is not shown, as he is lacking a model, or anything to be on his pedestal in The Archives. However, his appearance is shown in the sequel Bendy and the Dark Revival. He is shown to be an aged man, wearing a jacket with the sleeves rolled up, with ink-stained jeans, a white shirt with a loose tie, and black shoes. He has bags under his eyes, suggesting that he has not had much sleep. Joey Drew states that he would struggle to remember his face, implying that he is visually unremarkable to Joey.


Henry is a rather soft-spoken man, rarely expressing emotions stronger than minor shock and/or annoyance upon seeing the bizarre happenings at the studio, as well as sentimentality upon recording how much he misses his wife Linda. As the co-founder of Joey Drew Studios, he was a punctual worker, claiming of always being on time, whenever using the punch-machines, and when Joey Drew reacts in surprise to him arriving at his apartment one hour prior to when Joey was expecting him, which incidentally caused him to jokingly remark “Now you’re just trying to impress me.“. He also seems to be curious about his surroundings and the things he doesn’t remember since his departure 30 years ago.

Sammy Lawrence


Sammy’s ink form appears as a pitch-black, slightly muscular human figure wearing a smudged Bendy mask with a hole punched into the mouth, presumably to help him speak without his voice being muffled. He has no visible hair, most likely due to the ink. Besides wearing no shirt, he also wears pants with suspenders that somewhat resemble the overalls Boris wears, with a patch sewn over the left knee. His shoes and lower parts of his pants are coated with ink. Under his mask, he is almost faceless. He lacks most facial features, including ears, leaving only his eye sockets and a nose.


Unlike his human personality, Sammy has become fanatical and rather mentally unstable, as well as somewhat psychotic and unhinged, to the point of worshiping The Ink Demon as his “savior” and offering him sacrifices to appease him in a method similar to Satanic rituals. As a human, Sammy did not appear homicidal in his earlier recordings but appears to have become maddened by unnatural corruption prior to Henry returning to the workshop 30 years later.

Allison Angel


Allison Angel is very similar to Alice Angel, but has no sign of any deformities on her face. Her black hair is tied up in a ponytail, she wears a headband, and sports a pair of broken horns. Like Alice Angel, she wears a black dress with straps, but the dress is wider, and also has a large brown stain over it, giving the impression of a top, and tights, but also wearing boots each with a belt buckle. Her arms are entirely covered in ink, resembling black opera gloves.


Allison is an ally in nature and she cares for Henry, due to her believing that he is “The Hope” she was waiting for. This is also shown when Tom persuades her to leave Henry when they are not able to get him out of his cell in time, causing her to tearfully apologize to him. She has a very brave personality since she is most likely the leader of the partnership between her and Tom. She also has self-doubt, because she says “They call me Alice, but I’m no angel” When talking to Henry. However, Allison can be reluctant to do dangerous tasks, as seen when she tells Henry that following The Ink Demon to his lair would likely lead to their deaths, which is a trait she shares with Tom.



In “Bendy and the Dark Revival” his build looks different with it feeling less “cartoony” and more reminiscing of human anatomy. His eyes, while initially being different in the first game, now look exactly like the original Boris’s eyes, while still maintaining the slanted eyebrows. He is missing a chunk of his left ear similar to Brute Boris, and his robot arm now looks more like a prosthetic arm but with a hand that is shaped like a Bendy glove. He has been given a sketchier look to him with better ink textures and a more scuffed up appearance with torn clothing, and scars on his face.


Tom’s name was obtained as a result of responding to that name from Allison Angel. He is a silent, gruff and cautious character who willingly follows Allison, but seems unsure of Henry, threatening him with an axe at times. This shows that he strongly distrusts strangers to the point where he is even willing to abandon them if he can’t help them. He generally proves to be an ally, though Henry needed to gain his trust first. Also, he only seems to respond to his partner, Allison Angel. Strangely, when he met Audrey, he didn’t had the same trust issues as he had with Henry, even allowing her to pet him without protest. This implies that he is starting to trust strangers more.



Betty appears to be a woman with a strapless beige top with a black waist band, sleeves, and dress. She also seems to wear a black ribboned choker on her neck. Her most notable feature is that she is wearing a wooden mask that resembles either a puppet or a doll with empty sockets, black lipstick, and a wavy wooden bobcut that has a ribbon on the side. Her hands appear to be real and are covered in various wrinkles with black nail polish.


Betty seems to be soft spoken yet concerned woman who is very much aware of the chaos that is happening in the studio. She seems surprised by Audrey‘s stability and comments on how most of the residents are either mute or insane.